About this documentation

This documentation was created as a team project for the Professional Technical Writing certificate course at the University of Washington. The project contributors and authors were Chani Enochs, Christa Mitchell, Emilie Barnard, Jared Prewitt, Shayla Cabalan, and Yvonne Ben.

The documentation is hosted on GitHub and was last updated in June 2023.


This documentation provides Python developers with references and tutorials to utilize PokéAPI.
If you are reading this documentation, we assume you know what Pokémon is, have at least a basic understanding of Python, and know how RESTful API works.

What is PokéAPI?

PokéAPI is a modern RESTful Application Programming Interface (API) for developers to quickly consume Pokémon data required for their projects. The data includes Pokémon moves, abilities, types, egg groups, and more.

What are Python dictionaries?

Dictionaries are Python’s implementation of a data structure. The API URL line retrieves the relevant data in a JSON file and then in Python we convert the JSON file into a dictionary.

A dictionary consists of a collection of key-value pairs. Each key-value pair maps the key to its associated value.

Key is a unique identifier, and value is where all the data is for the key.

You can define a dictionary by enclosing a comma-separated list of key-value pairs in curly braces ({}). A colon (:) separates each key from its associated value.

For example:

d = {
    <key>: <value>,
    <key>: <value>,
    <key>: <value>

Getting started

Objective: The purpose of this section is to provide details on how to download and install Visual Studio Code and Python programs for coding with the PokéAPI.

Note: The instructions within this section work for Microsoft Windows, Mac, and Linux users. For full details on additional system requirements, please review the documentation referenced for each software listed below.


Visual Studio Code requirements

Python requirements

Note: Click on the video thumbnail image “Getting Started Poké-Py API Documentation” to be directed to the YouTube site to watch the video on the Getting Started section.

Download and install software

Getting Started PokéAPI Video

1. Download Visual Studio Code. Visual Studio Code download screen image

Visual Studio Code choose operating system image

2. Download Python.
Note: Windows users may need to download Python directly from the Microsoft Store. The software auto-detects your OS for download. Python download screen image

3. Download Python Extension for Visual Studio Code. Clicking Install opens Visual Studio Code. Select Install in Visual Studio Code.
Note: When finished, a page will appear in Visual Studio Code titled, “Get Started with Python Development” Python install screen image

Python install screen in Microsoft Windows store image

Python Get Started with Python Development screen image

4. Install the Python Request Libraries. Select Terminal from the top menu bar and then New Terminal. A small terminal window appears at the bottom of the screen.

Python Terminal selection in Visual Studio Code screen image

Python Terminal window below screen image

5. In the terminal window, type pip install requests and press enter. A wall of text appears; the words “successfully installed” displays towards the bottom of the text.
Note: If an error appears, then type pip3 install requests instead for the “succesfully installed” message to display.

Python success message in termail screen image

Using the PokéAPI site

Note: Anyone can access PokéAPI as it is free to use and open source. Be sure to follow the Fair Use Policy referenced in PokéAPI’s documentation page.

The PokéAPI site allows users to generate Pokémon attributes by typing in the name of a Pokémon. The resource for the Pokemon entered displays attributes from the API pull request. Below are example instructions of how to display Pikachu’s traits. To perform the actions below, visit the PokéAPI site:

  1. Place the mouse cursor on the search bar. Click the search bar and for this example replace pokemon/ditto with pokemon/pikachu.
  2. Click the Submit button.
  3. Review the resource attributes of the API’s result displaying Pikachu’s traits. You will use these resource attributes to create your Python code and generate API requests for Pokémon in the Core Python interactions section.

Pikachu API attribute display screen image example

Core Python interactions


Encounter methods

There are various ways to find wild Pokémon so the player can either battle or catch them to add to their party. A few examples to find a wild Pokémon include walking in tall grass, swimming in the ocean, or cutting down a tree.

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/encounter-method/{id or name}/

where id is an integer representing the encounter method id (1 as the lowest option and 31 as the highest option) and name is a lower-case string (the encounter method name) where spaces are replaced with -


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the encounter method called old-rod (the id for old-rod is 2) and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
id the number associated with the encounter method as an identifier integer
name the encounter method’s name string
names a list of names for this encounter method in different languages list
order a good value for sorting integer
import requests, json

# fetch the api data and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/encounter-method/old-rod"
old_rod_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

# display all key-value pairs from the JSON data:
for key in old_rod_data:
    print("key: ", key, "\n", "value:", old_rod_data[key], "\n")

This additional code returns a list of the encounter method’s name in German, English, and French:

for language in old_rod_data["names"]:

Encounter conditions

Wild Pokémon can be found during specific scenarios. For example they can be found depending on the time, season, or they can be chosen as the player’s starter Pokémon.

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/encounter-condition/{id or name}/

where id is an integer representing the encounter method id (1 as the lowest option and 13 as the highest option) and name is a lower-case string (the encounter method name) where spaces are replaced with -


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the encounter method called time (the id for time is 2) and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
id the number associated with the encounter condition as an identifier integer
name the encounter condition’s name string
names a list of names for this encounter condition different languages list
values a list of possible values for this encounter condition list
import requests, json

# fetch the api data and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/encounter-condition/time"
time_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

# display all key-value pairs from the JSON data:
for key in time_data:
    print("key: ", key, "\n", "value:", time_data[key], "\n")

This additional code returns a list of the encounter method’s name in French, German, and English:

for language in time_data["names"]:

Encounter condition values

This describes the various states an encounter condition can have. An encounter condition can set a Pokémon to be encountered depending on the time, for example, and this value sets the encounter condition to day or night.

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/encounter-condition-value/{id or name}/

where id is an integer representing the encounter method id (1 as the lowest option and 71 as the highest option) and name is a lower-case string (the encounter method name) where spaces are replaced with -


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the encounter method called time-day (the id for time is 4) and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
condition the condition this encounter condition value is related to dictionary
id the number associated with the encounter condition value as an identifier integer
name the encounter condition value’s name string
names a list of names for this encounter condition value different languages list

This additional code returns a list of the encounter method’s name in German, English, and French:

for language in time_day_data["names"]:


Evolution chains

Many Pokémon have an evolution attribute that transforms into a new type of Pokémon from their family tree. A Pokémon’s new form consists of new abilities and can often turn the tide in battle.

API path


id is the integer (1 as the lowest option and 20 as the highest option) of which we’ll use the id number for an example Pokémon


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the Pokémon Magikarp (id = 64) and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
baby_trigger_item the specified item requirement needed to trigger the egg hatching process from a baby Pokémon versus a standard Pokémon that doesn’t have a baby form dictionary
chain the base link to indicate all evolution details of the identified Pokémon and showcase evolution order dictionary
id the number associated with the Pokémon as an identifier integer

Note: There are a total of 530 evolution chains to choose from. Use the API path on the PokéAPI site and remove {id or name} portion to initiate a search to see a list of 530 evolution chains to use by id to enter into Python.

import requests, json

# fetch the api data and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/evolution-chain/64/"
evolution_chain_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

This line of code displays chain data for listed Pokémon:

# display all key-value pairs from the JSON data:
for key in evolution_chain_data:
    print("key: ", key, "\n", "value:", evolution_chain_data[key], "\n")
    for pokemon in evolution_chain_data["chain"]:

Evolution triggers

Pokémon transformations occur when a condition is met to where the Pokémon changes into a specific type or form.
For more details on evolution methods that trigger transformations, please refer to Bulbapedia.

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/evolution-trigger/{id or name}/

id is the integer (1 as the lowest option and 13 as the highest option) of which we’ll use the id number for an example Pokémon


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the Pokémon evolution trigger three critical hits (id = 8) and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
id the number associated with the Pokémon as an identifier integer
name the name of the Pokémon identified string
names the name of the Pokémon identified used for multiple languages list
pokémon_species a comprehensive list of Pokémon types associated with evolutions list

Note: There are a total of 13 evolution triggers to choose from. Use the API path on the PokéAPI site and remove {id or name} portion to initiate a search to see a list of 13 evolution triggers to use by id or name to enter into Python.

import requests, json

# fetch the api data and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/evolution-trigger/8/"
evolution_trigger_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

This line of code displays three critical hits data for listed Pokémon:

# display all key-value pairs from the JSON data:
for key in evolution_trigger_data:
    print("key: ", key, "\n", "value:", evolution_trigger_data[key], "\n")
    for pokemon in evolution_trigger_data["pokemon_species"]:


Pokémon have an assortment of skills and can range from class type to specific conditions to initiate. This section will provide a list of various move types to try in Python. Pokémon use moves in battle. Some moves are used outside of battle, but only in specific situations related to exploring new areas.

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/move/{id or name}/

where id is an integer representing the move’s id (1 as the lowest option and 920 as the highest option) and name is a lower-case string (the move’s name) where spaces are replaced with -


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the move called bubble (the id for bubble is 145) and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
accuracy the chance of this move’s success as a percentage value integer
contest_combos the contest combos this move is involved in the information includes which normal or super moves are used before or after this move dictionary
contest_effect the effect this move has when used in a contest dictionary
contest_type the type of appeal this moves gives Pokémon when they use it in a contest dictionary
damage_class the type of damage this move does dictionary
effect_chance the chance of this move’s effect happening as a percentage value integer
effect_changes previous effects this move had across version groups in different games list
effect_entries the effect of this move in different languages list
flavor_text_entries the flavor text for this move in different languages list
generation the generation this move was introduced dictionary
id the move’s id integer
learned_by_pokemon Pokémon capable of learning this move list
machines machines this move is learned from list
meta Metadata about this move dictionary
name the move’s name string
names names for this move in different languages list
past_values move resource values changes in different games list
power the power of this move (moves without a base power have a value of 0) integer
pp this move’s power points (power points determine the number of times a move can be used) integer
priority sets the order of moves in battle with values between -8 and 8 (See Bulbapedia for more information about priority) integer
stat_changes the stats changed with the amount they change list
super_contest_effect the effect this move has in a super contest dictionary
target the type of target receiving the effects of this move dictionary
type the elemental type of this move dictionary

import requests, json

# fetch the api data for the move called bubble and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/move/bubble"
bubble_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

for key in bubble_data:
    print("key:", key, "\n", "value:", bubble_data[key], "\n")

This additional code returns a list of Pokémon who can have the Bubble move:

for pokemon in bubble_data["learned_by_pokemon"]:

Move ailments

Move ailments are status conditions caused by moves.

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/move-ailment/{id or name}/

where id is an integer representing the move ailment’s id (0 as the lowest option and 22 as the highest option) and name is a lower-case string (the move ailment’s name) where spaces are replaced with -


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the move ailment called sleep (the id for sleep is 2) and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
id the id of the move ailment integer
moves a list of moves that cause this ailment list
name the move ailment’s name string
names a list of names for this move ailment in different languages list

import requests, json

# fetch the api data for the move ailment called sleep and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/move-ailment/2"
sleep_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

for key in sleep_data:
    print("key:", key, "\n", "value:", sleep_data[key], "\n")

This additional code returns a list of moves that create the ailment effect:

for language in attack_data["names"]:

Move battle styles

Pokémon moves have one of three different move battle styles. The three styles are:

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/move-battle-style/{id or name}/

where id is an integer representing the move battle style id (1 as the lowest option and 3 as the highest option) and name is a lower-case string (the move battle style name) where spaces are replaced with -


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the move battle style called attack (the id for attack is 1) and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
id the id of the move battle style integer
name the move battle style’s name string
names a list of names for this move battle style in different languages list

import requests, json

# fetch the api data for the attack move battle style and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/move-battle-style/1"
attack_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

for key in attack_data:
    print("key:", key, "\n", "value:", attack_data[key], "\n")

This additional code prints the move battle style’s name in all languages (the two languages available are French and English):

for language in attack_data["names"]:

Move categories

General move categories grouping similar move effects together.

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/move-category/{id or name}/

where id is an integer representing the move categories id (0 as the lowest option and 13 as the highest option) and name is a lower-case string (the move categories name) where spaces are replaced with -


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the move category called swagger (the id for swagger is 5) and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
descriptions descriptions of this category in different languages list
id the id of the move category integer
moves a list of moves assigned to this category list
name the move category’s name string

import requests, json

# fetch the api data for the swagger move category and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/move-category/5"
swagger_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

for key in swagger_data:
    print("key:", key, "\n", "value:", swagger_data[key], "\n")

This additional code prints the moves grouped together in the swagger move category:

for move in swagger_data["moves"]:

Move damage classes

Certain types of Pokémon have a variety of moves that are special skills to be used against other opponents where these specialzed Pokémon are associated with a damage class.

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/move-damage-class/{id or name}/

id is the integer (1 as the lowest option and 3 as the highest option) of which we’ll use the id number for an example Pokémon


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the Pokémon move damage class special (id = 3) and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
descriptions the displayed information of a Pokémon used in multiple languages list
id the number associated with the Pokémon as an identifier integer
moves a list of abilities associated with damage class Pokémon list
name the name of the Pokémon identified string
names the name of the Pokémon identified used for multiple languages list

Note: There are a total of 3 move damage classes to choose from. Use the API path on the PokéAPI site and remove {id or name} portion to initiate a search to see a list of 3 move damage classes to use by id or name to enter into Python.

import requests, json

# fetch the api data and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/move-damage-class/3/"
move_damage_class = requests.get(api_url).json()

This line of code displays specials for Pokémon:

# display all key-value pairs from the JSON data:
for key in move_damage_class:
    print("key: ", key, "\n", "value:", move_damage_class[key], "\n")
    for pokemon in move_damage_class["moves"]:

Move learn methods

Pokémon that learn moves from certain methods whether it is from leveling or otherwise. This section focuses on how to identify these types of Pokémon.

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/move-learn-method/{id or name}/

id is the integer (1 as the lowest option and 11 as the highest option) of which we’ll use the id number for an example Pokémon


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the Pokémon move learn method form change (id = 9) and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
descriptions the displayed information of a Pokémon used in multiple languages list
id the number associated with the Pokémon as an identifier integer
name the name of the Pokémon identified string
names the name of the Pokémon identified used for multiple languages list
version_groups a list showing the different types of Pokémon that learn moves from specific groups list

Note: There are a total of 11 move learn methods to choose from. Use the API path on the PokéAPI site and remove {id or name} portion to initiate a search to see a list of 3 move damage classes to use by id or name to enter into Python.

import requests, json

# fetch the api data and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/move-learn-method/9/"
move_learn_method = requests.get(api_url).json()

This line of code displays form change names for Pokémon:

# display all key-value pairs from the JSON data:
for key in move_learn_method:
    print("key: ", key, "\n", "value:", move_learn_method[key], "\n")
    for pokemon in move_learn_method["name"]:

Move targets

An ability to lock on to a Pokémon, environments, or other targetable attributes. This section will focus on how to identify these types of move targets.

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/move-target/{id or name}/

id is the integer (1 as the lowest option and 16 as the highest option) of which we’ll use the id number for an example Pokémon


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the Pokémon move target fainting Pokémon (id = 16) and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
descriptions the displayed information of a Pokémon used in multiple languages list
id the number associated with the Pokémon as an identifier integer
moves a list of abilities associated with damage class Pokémon list
name the name of the Pokémon identified string
names the name of the Pokémon identified used for multiple languages list

Note: There are a total of 16 move targets to choose from. Use the API path on the PokéAPI site and remove {id or name} portion to initiate a search to see a list of 3 move damage classes to use by id or name to enter into Python.

import requests, json

# fetch the api data and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/move-target/16/"
move_target = requests.get(api_url).json()

This line of code displays fainting Pokémon moves:

# display all key-value pairs from the JSON data:
for key in move_target:
    print("key: ", key, "\n", "value:", move_target[key], "\n")
    for pokemon in move_target["moves"]:



An ability is a game mechanic that grants a passive effect for a Pokémon in battle or while navigating the world. A single Pokémon may have multiple abilities but only one active ability at a given time. More information can be found on Bulbapedia.

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/ability/{id or name}/

where id is an integer (1 as the lowest option and 358 as the highest option) and name is a lower-case string where spaces are replaced with -


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the ability named Cute Charm and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
effect_changes a list of historical effects this ability in previous versions and in different languages list
effect_entries a list of the current effect this this ability in different languages list
flavor_text_entries a list of the flavor text, or short text often displayed in images, of this ability in different languages list
generation the Pokémon generation in which this ability first appeared dictionary
id an integer (1 as the lowest option) unique to this ability integer
is_main_series a boolean to flag whether or not this ability first appeared in the main series of the games boolean
name a string representing this ability’s name string
names a list of names for this ability in different languages list
pokemon a list of Pokémon that may have this ability list

import requests, json

# fetch the api data and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/ability/cute-charm/"
cute_charm_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

for key in cute_charm_data:
    print("key: ", key, "\n", "value:", cute_charm_data[key], "\n")

This additional line of code displays the flavor text of the ability:


This additional snippet of code displays all Pokémon that can have this ability:

for pokemon in cute_charm_data["pokemon"]:


The characteristic of a Pokémon is determined by which stat holds the highest IV (individual values), or strength, and the remainder of that IV when divided by 5 (modulo 5). The highest stat will be one of the following six options:

Further, each stat has 5 options for the characteristic phrase applied. The modulo 5 of the IV determines which of the 5 to use.

API path


where id is an integer (1 as the lowest option and 30 as the highest option)


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the characteristic Highly curious and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
descriptions a list of dictionaries with two keys, descriptions and language. The description key stores a string value which is the description in the associated language. The language key holds another dictionary with two keys, name and url, where both values are strings associated with the language. list
gene_modulo an inteeger between 0 and 4 (inclusive) which is the remainder of the highest IV divided by 5 (modulo 5) integer
highest_stat a dictionary with two keys, name and url, both of which are string values that refer to the IV associated with this characteristic dictionary
id an integer (1 as the lowest option) unique to this characteristic integer
possible_values a list of integers that represent the possible values of the highest IV of a Pokémon with this characteristic integer

import requests, json

# fetch the api data and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/characteristic/4"
highly_curious_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

# display all key-value pairs from the JSON data:
for key in highly_curious_data:
    print("key: ", key, "\n", "value:", highly_curious_data[key], "\n")

This additional snippet of code displays the description of the characteristic in English, Spanich, and French:

print("English:", highly_curious_data["descriptions"][7]["description"])
print("Spanish:", highly_curious_data["descriptions"][5]["description"])
print("French:", highly_curious_data["descriptions"][3]["description"])

This code displays the 5 possible characteristics given a highest attack stat (see stats for more information):

import requests, json

api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/stat/attack"
attack_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

for characteristic in attack_data["characteristics"]:
    characteristic_data = requests.get(characteristic['url']).json()

Egg groups

A Pokémon can belong to one or two egg groups, or groups of Pokémon that are compatible for breeding.

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/egg-group/{id or name}/

where id is an integer (1 as the lowest option and 15as the highest option) and name is a string referring to the name of Egg Group


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the egg group Dragon and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
id an integer (starting with 1) that acts as the identifier for the Egg Group integer
name the name of the Egg Group (in English) string
names a list of dictionaries with two keys, name and language. The value of name is a string, and the value of language is a dictionary with two keys, name and url. These keys refer to the name and url of the language used to express the Egg Group name. list
pokemon_species a list of dictionaries with two keys, name and url. These reference all the Pokémon in the Egg Group. list
import requests, json

# fetch the api data and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/egg-group/dragon/"
dragon_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

# display all key-value pairs from the JSON data:
for key in dragon_data:
    print("key: ", key, "\n", "value:", dragon_data[key], "\n")

This additional code displays all Pokémon that belong to the Egg Group Dragon:

for pokemon in dragon_data["pokemon_species"]:


Most Pokémon have a gender, either male or female, though some species do not. Genders impact breeding compatibility and sometimes the appearance of a Pokémon.

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/gender/{id or name}/

where id is an integer (1 as the lowest option and 3 as the highest option) and name is a string referring to the name of the gender


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the Gender female and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
id an integer (starting with 1) that acts as the identifier for the Gender integer
name the name of the Gender (in English) string
pokemon_species_details a list of dictionaries with two keys, name and language. The value of name is a string, and the value of language is a dictionary with two keys, rate and pokemon_species. rate refers to the likelihood of a Pokémon species being this gender, out of ?. pokemon_species is a dictionary with keys name and url, both referring to the Pokémon that can be this gender. list
required_for_evolution a list of dictionaries with two keys, name and url. These reference all the Pokémon that require a previous Pokémon to be this specific gender in order to evolve into them. list
import requests, json

# fetch the api data and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/gender/female/"
female_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

# display all key-value pairs from the JSON data:
for key in female_data:
    print("key: ", key, "\n", "value:", female_data[key], "\n")

This additional function checks to see if a Pokémon requires a previous Pokémon to be female for evolution:

def gendered_evolution(pokemon):
    for poke in female_data["required_for_evolution"]:
        if poke["name"] == pokemon:
            return True
    return False

Growth rates

A Pokémon’s growth rate defines how quickly it levels up from experience. The options are as follows:

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/growth-rate/{id or name}/

where id is an integer (1 as the lowest option and 6 as the highest option) and name is a string referring to the name of the growth rate


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the growth rate erratic and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
descriptions a list of dictionaries with keys description and language. language is also a dictionary with keys name and url. This is a list of the descriptions of the growth rate in various languages. list
formula a string that represents the mathematical formula used to calculate the rate at which a Pokémon levels up, based on current level and the specific growth rate string
id an integer (starting with 1) that acts as the identifier for the growth rate integer
levels a list of dictionaries with keys level and experience. This indicates how much experience is needed to level up based on the current level and growth rate. list
name a string, the name of the growth rate (in English) string
pokemon_species a list of dictionaries with keys name and url. This is a list of all Pokémon that level up at this growth rate. list
import requests, json

# fetch the api data and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/growth-rate/5"
erratic_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

# display all key-value pairs from the JSON data:
for key in erratic_data:
    print("key: ", key, "\n", "value:", erratic_data[key], "\n")

The following additional code displays all Pokémon with an erratic growth rate.

for pokemon in erratic_data["pokemon_species"]:


A Pokémon’s nature defines how they behave, what flavors it likes and dislikes, and typically the value of some of its stats. There are 25 possible natures, ranging from hardy to quirky.

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/nature/{id or name}/

where id is an integer (1 as the lowest option and 25 as the highest option) and name is a string referring to the name of the nature


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the nature sassy and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
decreased_stat a dictionary with two keys, name and url, that identifies the stat whose value is decreased by 10% due to this nature dictionary
hates_flavor a dictionary with two keys, name and url, that identifies the the flavor hated by Pokémon with this nature dictionary
id an integer (starting with 1) that acts as the identifier for the Nature integer
increased_stat a dictionary with two keys, name and url, that identifies the stat whose value is increased by 10% due to this nature dictionary
likes_flavor a dictionary with two keys, name and url, that identifies the the flavor liked by Pokémon with this nature dictionary
move_battle_style_preferences a list of dictionaries with three keys, low_hp_preference, high_hp_preference, and move_battle_style. move_battle_stype is a dictionary with two keys, name and url. low_hp_preference and high_hp_preference are integers that refer to how likely a Pokémon with this nature is to use a particular move battle style. list
name a string, the name of the Nature (in English) string
names a list of names for this nature in different languages list
pokeathlon_stat_changes a list of dictionaries with two keys, max_change and pokeathalon_stat. pokeathalon_stat is a dictionary with two keys, name and url. This lists all Pokéathalon stats affected by this nature and how much they are impacted. See (Pokéatholon Stats)[#pokéatholon-stats] for more information. list
import requests, json

# fetch the api data and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/nature/sassy"
sassy_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

# display all key-value pairs from the JSON data:
for key in sassy_data:
    print("key: ", key, "\n", "value:", sassy_data[key], "\n")

This additional line of code describes a few of the impacts of this nature:

print("A", sassy_data["name"], "Pokémon has the following attributes:\n",
      "Increased stat:", sassy_data["increased_stat"]["name"],"\n",
      "Decreased stat:", sassy_data["decreased_stat"]["name"],"\n",
      "Likes this flavor:", sassy_data["likes_flavor"]["name"],"\n",
      "Dislikes this flavor:", sassy_data["hates_flavor"]["name"])

Pokéathlon stats

A Pokéatholon is a competition where Pokémon race, jump, and participate in other field events. Pokéatholon stats define how a Pokémon performs in these events. There are five different stats:

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokeathlon-stat/{id or name}/

where id is an integer (1 as the lowest option and 5 as the highest option) and name is a string referring to the name of the Pokéatholon stats


The following Python code retreives JSON data for the Pokéatholon stat jump and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
affecting_natures a list of dictionaries with two keys, increase and decrease. Both increase and decrease are dictionaries with two keys, max_change and nature. This list contains data on which Pokémon natures impact the stat, and how it is impacted. See (Natures)[#natures] for more information. list
id an integer (starting with 1) that acts as the identifier for the stat integer
name a string, the name of the stat (in English) string
names a list of names for this skill in different languages list
import requests, json

# fetch the api data and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokeathlon-stat/jump"
jump_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

# display all key-value pairs from the JSON data:
for key in jump_data:
    print("key: ", key, "\n", "value:", jump_data[key], "\n")

The following code snippet displays how various natures impact jump:

print("The following Natures increase the", jump_data["name"] ,"stat:")
for nature in jump_data["affecting_natures"]["increase"]:
    print(nature["nature"]["name"], "increases by a max of", nature["max_change"])

print("\nThe following Natures decrease the", jump_data["name"] ,"stat:")
for nature in jump_data["affecting_natures"]["decrease"]:
    print(nature["nature"]["name"], "decreases by a max of", nature["max_change"]*-1)


Pokémon are creatures in the Pokémon games. Their appearances vary greatly. Pokémon are caught using Pokéballs and used to battle other Pokémon.

API Path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/{id or name}/

where id is an integer representing the Pokémon’s id (1 as the lowest option and 1010 as the current highest option) and name is a lower-case string (the Pokémon’s name) where spaces are replaced with -


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for eevee (the id for eevee is 133) and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
abilities a list of abilities this Pokémon might have list
base_experience the base amount of experience gained my defeating this Pokémon integer
forms a list of forms this Pokémon can have list
game_indices game indices relevant to this Pokémon by generation list
height the Pokémon’s height in decimeters integer
held_items items this Pokémon may hold when encountered list
id the id of the Pokémon integer
is_default true for one Pokémon to be the default for the species boolean
location_area_encounters a link to a list of location areas this Pokémon may be encountered string
moves moves this Pokémon may have or learn with information about specific version groups list
name the Pokémon’s name string
order this Pokémon’s order among other Pokémon integer
past_types details about this Pokémon in previous generations list
species this Pokémon’s species dictionary
sprites Sprites used to depict this Pokémon visually dictionary
stats this Pokémon’s base stat values list
types this Pokémon’s types list
weight this Pokémon’s weight in hectograms integer
import requests, json

# fetch the api data for eevee and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/eevee/"
eevee_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

for key in eevee_data:
    print("key:", key, "\n", "value:", eevee_data[key], "\n")

This additional code prints a list of the names of the Pokémon games that eevee is in:

# print the names of all the games that eevee is in
for game in eevee_data["game_indices"]:

Pokémon location areas

Players encounter Pokémon in multiple locations. Location areas describe where a specified Pokémon can be encountered. Note: Some Pokémon do not have location area data.

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/{id or name}/encounters/

where id is an integer (1 as the lowest option) and name is a lower-case string where spaces are replaced with -


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the location areas of the Pokémon Rhydon (this Pokémon’s id is 1) and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
location_area the name of the location and the API url for that location dictionary
version_details a list of encounters, chances, and versions related to the specified Pokémon list
import requests, json

# fetch the api data and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/1/encounters"
rhydon_locations = requests.get(api_url).json()

for location in rhydon_locations:
    for key, value in location.items():
        print(key, ":", value)

This additional code displays only the name of the location(s) in which players can encounter the specified Pokémon:

 for location in rhydon_locations:
    print("Rhydon Encounter Location:", location["location_area"]["name"])

Pokémon colors

Pokémon can be sorted by colors in a Pokédex. Pokémon are sorted into a color group determined by the color covering most of their body. Note: Orange is not a color option. Orange Pokémon are listed as red or brown.

API path


returns all Pokémon colors. To return results from a specific color use:

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon-color/{id or name}/

where id is an integer representing the color’s id (1 as the lowest option and 10 as the highest option) and name is a lower-case string (the color’s name) where spaces are replaced with -


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the color blue (the id for blue is 2) and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
id the id of the color integer
name the color’s name string
names a list of the color’s name in different languages list
pokemon_species a list of Pokémon in this color group list
import requests, json

# fetch the api data and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon-color/2/"
color_2_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

for key in color_2_data:
    print("key:", key, "\n", "value:", color_2_data[key], "\n")

This additional line of code displays the name of the current color in English:


This code prints a list of all the blue Pokémon:

for pokemon in color_2_data["pokemon_species"]:

Pokémon forms

Pokémon may appear in different forms. The forms are visual and cosmetic. Pokémon that vary more than just visually are listed as different Pokémon entities.

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon-form/{id or name}/

where id is an integer representing the Pokémon’s id (1 as the lowest option and 1450 as the highest option) and name is a lower-case string (the Pokémon’s name) where spaces are replaced with -


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the West form of the Pokémon Shellos (the id for the West form of Shellos is 422) and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
form_name the name of the form string
form_names a list of the specific form names for this Pokemon form in different languages (this is empty if no specific names exist) list
form_order the order this Pokémon form appears relative to other Pokémon of the same species integer
id the Pokémon’s id integer
is_battle_only indicates if the form can only happen in battle boolean
is_default set to ‘true’ for only one Pokémon can be set to default within a species boolean
is_mega indicates if the form is a mega form or not boolean
name the Pokémon’s name string
names a list of the full names of this Pokémon form in different languages (this is empty if no specific names exist) list
order indicates where in the list of all Pokémon forms the Pokémon form you are looking for is located integer
pokemon the Pokémon that can take this form including their API path dictionary
sprites URL links to the sprites used to represent this Pokémon form list
types a list of the types this Pokémon form has list
version_group the version name and API path for the version group this Pokémon form was introduced in dictionary
import requests, json

# fetch the api data for Shellos West and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon-form/422"
shellos_w_form_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

for key in shellos_w_form_data:
    print("key:", key, "\n", "value:", shellos_w_form_data[key], "\n")

Shellos also has an East form. This additional code gets information about Shellos’s East form:

# fetch the api data for Shellos East and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon-form/10039"
shellos_e_form_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

for key in shellos_e_form_data:
    print("key:", key, "\n", "value:", shellos_e_form_data[key], "\n")

The two versions of Shellos are right next to each other in the Pokemon forms order. To see their order numbers together use this additional line of code:

print("Shellos West's Order Number is", shellos_w_form_data["order"], "and Shellos East's Order Number is", shellos_e_form_data["order"]) 

Note: Searching for just ‘Shellos’ using the API like this:
returns an error because Shellos has two forms and the API needs you to specifiy which form you want information about.

Pokémon habitats

Pokémon habitats are generally different terrain Pokémon can be found in but can also be areas designated for rare or legendary Pokémon. There are nine habitats:

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon-habitat/{id or name}/

where id is an integer (1 as the lowest option and 9 as the highest option) and name is a lower-case string where spaces are replaced with -


The following Python code retreives JSON data for the shape named forest and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
id the identifier for this resource integer
name the name for this resource string
names the name of this resource listed in different languages list
pokemon_species a list of the Pokémon species that can be found in this habitat list

import requests, json

# fetch the api data and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon-habitat/forest/"
forest_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

# display all key-value pairs from the JSON data:
for key in forest_data:
    print("key: ", key, "\n", "value:", forest_data[key], "\n")

This additional line of code displays all Pokémon that can be found in this habitat:

for pokemon_species in forest_data["pokemon_species"]:

Pokémon shapes

Pokémon shape is used for sorting Pokémon in a Pokédex. There are 14 shapes:

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon-shape/{id or name}/

where id is an integer (1 as the lowest option and 14 as the highest option) and name is a lower-case string where spaces are replaced with -


The following Python code retreives JSON data for the shape named ball and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
awesome_names the “scientific” name of this Pokémon shape listed in different languages list
id the identifier for this resource integer
name the name for this resource string
names the name of this resource listed in different languages list
pokemon_species a list of the Pokémon species that have this shape list
import requests, json

# fetch the api data and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon-shape/ball"
ball_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

# display all key-value pairs from the JSON data:
for key in ball_data:
    print("key: ", key, "\n", "value:", ball_data[key], "\n")

This additional line of code displays all Pokémon that have this shape:

for pokemon_species in ball_data["pokemon_species"]:

Pokémon species

A Pokémon species forms the basis for at least one Pokémon. Attributes of a Pokémon species are shared across all varieties of Pokémon within the species.

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon-species/{id or name}/

where id is an integer (1 as the lowest option and 1010 as the highest option) and name is a lower-case string where spaces are replaced with -


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the species named Butterfree and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
base_happiness the happiness when caught by a normal Pokéball; up to 255. The higher the number, the happier the Pokémon integer
capture_rate the base capture rate; up to 255. The higher the number, the easier the catch integer
color the color of this Pokémon for Pokédex search dictionary
egg_groups a list of egg groups this Pokémon species is a member of list
evolution_chain the evolution chain this Pokémon species is a member of dictionary
evolves_from_species the Pokémon species that evolves into this Pokemon_species dictionary
flavor_text_entries a list of flavor text entries for this Pokémon species list
form_descriptions descriptions of different forms Pokémon take on within the Pokémon species list
forms_switchable whether or not this Pokémon has multiple forms and can switch between them boolean
gender_rate the chance of this Pokémon being female, in eighths; or -1 for genderless integer
genera the genus of this Pokémon species listed in multiple languages list
generation the generation this Pokémon species was introduced in dictionary
growth_rate the rate at which this Pokémon species gains levels dictionary
habitat the habitat this Pokémon species can be encountered in dictionary
has_gender_differences whether or not this Pokémon has visual gender differences boolean
hatch_counter initial hatch counter: one must walk 255 × (hatch_counter + 1) steps before this Pokémon’s egg hatches, unless utilizing bonuses like Flame Body’s integer
id the identifier for this resource integer
is_baby whether or not this is a baby Pokémon boolean
is_legendary whether or not this is a legendary Pokémon boolean
is_mythical whether or not this is a mythical Pokémon boolean
name the name for this resource string
names the name of this resource listed in different languages list
order the order in which species should be sorted. Based on National Dex order, except families are grouped together and sorted by stage integer
pal_park_encounters a list of encounters that can be had with this Pokémon species in pal park list
pokedex_numbers a list of Pokedexes and the indexes reserved within them for this Pokémon species list
shape the shape of this Pokémon for Pokédex search dictionary
varieties a list of the Pokémon that exist within this Pokémon species list
import requests, json

# fetch the api data and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon-species/butterfree"
butterfree_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

# display all key-value pairs from the JSON data:
for key in butterfree_data:
    print("key: ", key, "\n", "value:", butterfree_data[key], "\n")

This additional line of code displays the flavor text of this species in English:

for entry in butterfree_data["flavor_text_entries"]:
    if entry["language"]["name"] == "en":
        flavor_text = entry["flavor_text"]

This additional line of code displays this species’ genus in Chinese:

for genus in butterfree_data["genera"]:
    if genus["language"]["name"] == "zh-Hant":


Stats determine certain aspects of battles. Each Pokémon has a value for each stat which grows as they gain levels and can be altered momentarily by effects in battles.

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/stat/{id or name}/

where id is an integer (1 as the lowest option and 8 as the highest option) and name is a lower-case string where spaces are replaced with -


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the stat named attack and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
affecting_moves a detail of moves which affect this stat positively or negatively dictionary
affecting_natures a detail of natures which affect this stat positively or negatively dictionary
characteristics a list of characteristics that are set on a Pokémon when its highest base stat is this stat list
game_index id the games use for this stat integer
id the identifier for this resource integer
is_battle_only whether this stat only exists within a battle boolean
move_damage_class the class of damage this stat is directly related to dictionary
name the name for this resource string
names the name of this resource listed in different languages list
import requests, json

# fetch the api data and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/stat/attack"
attack_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

# display all key-value pairs from the JSON data:
for key in attack_data:
    print("key: ", key, "\n", "value:", attack_data[key], "\n")

This additional line of code displays moves which decrease the referenced stat:

for decrease in attack_data["affecting_moves"]["decrease"]:

This additional line of code displays natures which increase the referenced stat:

for increase in attack_data["affecting_natures"]["increase"]:


Types are properties for Pokémon and their moves. Each type has three properties: which types of Pokémon it is super effective against, which types of Pokémon it is not very effective against, and which types of Pokémon it is completely ineffective against.

API path

https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/type/{id or name}/

where id is an integer (1 as the lowest option and 20 as the highest option) and name is a lower-case string where spaces are replaced with -


The following Python code retrieves JSON data for the type named ghost and stores it into a dictionary with the following keys:

Name Description Type
damage_relations a detail of how effective this type is toward others and vice versa dictionary
game_indices a list of game indices relevent to this item by generation list
generation the generation this type was introduced in dictionary
id the identifier for this resource integer
move_damage_class the class of damage inflicted by this type dictionary
moves a list of moves that have this type list
name the name for this resource string
names the name of this resource listed in different languages list
past_damage_relations a list of details of how effective this type was toward others and vice versa in previous generations list
pokemon a list of details of Pokémon that have this type list
import requests, json

# fetch the api data and convert to dictionary:
api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/type/ghost"
ghost_data = requests.get(api_url).json()

# display all key-value pairs from the JSON data:
for key in ghost_data:
    print("key: ", key, "\n", "value:", ghost_data[key], "\n")

This additional line of code displays a list of types that are very effective against this type:

for double_damage_from in ghost_data["damage_relations"]["double_damage_from"]:

This additional line of code displays a list of types this type is very effect against:

for double_damage_to in ghost_data["damage_relations"]["double_damage_to"]:

More Python sample code

Create Pokédex

The following Python code creates a Pokédex of all 1015 Pokémon by storing them into a list:

import requests, json

api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon?limit=1015"
response = requests.get(api_url)
pokemon_json = response.json()

pokedex = [] # indexing starts at 0 for a list, so reference by subtracting 1 from the dex number

dex_num = 1
for pokemon in pokemon_json["results"]:
    print("Pokémon #" + str(dex_num) +",", pokemon["name"] + ", added!")
    dex_num += 1

Search Pokémon by filters

There are various ways to search for Pokémon by filters. Please refer to the example code in the following sections:

Display Pokémon image

To display images in Python, install one more library named Pillow. To do this, type pip install pillow in your Terminal (just like pip install requests) as explained in Getting started.

The following Python code creates a Pokédex (see Create Pokédex), then defines two functions to display an image of any given Pokémon. The sample call included displays an image of Skitty.

from PIL import Image
from io import StringIO, BytesIO

import requests, json

api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon?limit=1015"
response = requests.get(api_url)
pokemon_json = response.json()

pokedex = [] # indexing starts at 0 for a list, so reference by subtracting 1 from the dex number

dex_num = 1
for pokemon in pokemon_json["results"]:
    # print("Pokémon #" + str(dex_num) +",", pokemon["name"] + ", added!")
    dex_num += 1

def get_dex_num(pokemon):
    return pokedex.index(pokemon.lower()) + 1

def show_image(pokemon):
    dex_num = get_dex_num(pokemon)
    # first we need to pad the dex number with 0s based on digits:
    if dex_num < 10:
        url_num = "00" + str(dex_num)
    elif dex_num < 100:
        url_num = "0" + str(dex_num)
        url_num = str(dex_num)
    # then we can pull the image:
    img_url = "https://assets.pokemon.com/assets/cms2/img/pokedex/full/" + url_num + ".png"
    response = requests.get(img_url)
    img = Image.open(BytesIO(response.content))



Common errors

API error

Below is a common error when working with the API:

File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/requests/models.py", line 975, in json raise RequestsJSONDecodeError(e.msg, e.doc, e.pos) requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

In this scenario, check the API path call in the form of api_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/{category}/{name or id}/". If the syntax is correct, name or id likely does not exist for the specific category. Change id to 1 for further testing.

Python errors

Refer to the Python documentation for troubleshooting other Python-specific error messages.

Refer to the below links for more resources: